“God Is Good!”

Mark Bushuiakovish   -  

“God Is Good…All the Time!”

The excitement is growing as we inch closer and closer to our launch date on Easter morning. The big pieces that make up the metaphorical foundation of the Spring Hill campus have been set, and now it is a smorgasbord of littler details and tasks that need to be completed. Thankfully, the light at the end of the tunnel (or the sunrise of Easter morning!) is starting to come into focus.

This past Sunday the Core Team finished their conversation on what we are calling “Come and See” community outreach. We were able to summarize our observations into two focus objectives: making Christ’s name known in the community through effective outreach and creating events with the goal of getting to know our neighbors, helping them better understand us, and demonstrating what it means to live, serve, and give as a way of life.

This upcoming Sunday, we will have our final Core Team meeting to finalize the logistics of removing any potential barriers from the hearing of the Gospel. We will iron out the details for our upcoming final preview service on Sunday, March 17th at 10:30 am where we are also going to celebrate Holy Communion for the first time! We are going to finalize the tweaks we want to make with our first Impression strategy including our guest follow-up plan.

This Saturday, March 9th at 10 am we will be hosting a campus work day in order to tweak the space, hang up signage, troubleshoot the livestream, and anything else that still needs to be done. These are the final adjustments we are hoping to make before the last preview service.

We are also very excited to be having a Prayer Walk in the local neighborhoods on Friday March 15th at 1 pm. We look forward to praying for (and potentially with) our new neighbors. We are hopeful that the Lord will use these interactions to open up opportunities for us to better minister to those in our community.

The days are full, but so are God’s blessings within them!