“Let Me Tell You About My Jesus”

Mark Bushuiakovish   -  

Have you ever experienced something so life changing, that you became its biggest free promoter? Sometimes something comes into our lives, and after we experience it, we can’t help but tell everyone else about it. Maybe its that fad diet that helped you get in the best shape of your life. Maybe its a new author that is able to craft a sentence in a way that just keeps you thinking. Maybe its a new gadget or app that saves you entire minutes every day!

We are always looking for something to improve our lives, give us clarity, or help us be the best version of ourselves that we can be. When we find it, we make sure to tell everyone we know, especially if we think they could personally benefit from it.

As our Core Team is preparing for our Easter launch, we have been reflecting on the greatest gift that we have received, a Savior! For some of us, we have known Him a lifetime, and couldn’t begin to imagine living life without his peace. For others, this Jesus guy is kind of new, and we are still trying to wrap our minds around something we didn’t think could be possible, his unconditional love and the ability to know and have a relationship with the creator of the universe.

In the 9th chapter of the book of Matthew, Jesus is traveling throughout towns and villages, teaching and healing. He knows exactly every pain, burden, and story of the people that he is interacting with. Every time I read verse 36, I am struck by how God views us broken people, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

As a group, we have been praying that what breaks the heart of God will also break our own hearts. Motivated by compassion, it is what Jesus says in the next two verses that has given us both direction and excitement as we count the days to the launch of this new site in Spring Hill. “(Jesus) said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.’”

Sometimes something comes into our lives, and after we experience it, we can’t help but tell everyone else about it. With the discovery of a new life-changing diet or author or app, excitement and evangelism soon follow. For our team, we are excited to not only experience the peace of God, but also to share this peace with anyone who doesn’t yet know it for themselves. Our continued prayer is that God will send us (each day) into a harvest field ripe for his unique blessing, and that as His people, we can be faithful in sharing this blessing of peace, joy, and love!

So…have you heard about this Jesus? We can’t wait to tell you all about him!